PT3 exams exam malaysia petaling jaya covid-19 virtual learning in-school vaccination booster daycare i need to work LHS little human scholars

Education Ministry Possibly Changing PT3 Exams in 2022

Malaysia's educational system pivoting - and what about upcoming exams? After the onset of COVID-19 these past couple of…

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COVID-19 Cluster clusters malaysia malaysian schools health ministry Little human scholars LHS updated safety procedures

Rise in School Clusters Due to Violations of COVID-19 Rules

The number of COVID-19 clusters in Malaysia’s various school districts and educational institutions has been on the…

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students quit school schooling petaling jaya LHS little human scholars near me kindergarten playschool preschool near jaya one

Over 21,000 Students Quit School Between 2020 to July 2021

The education ministry has noted that some 21.316 students quit school during the COVID-19 pandemic.  This adds up to .22% of…

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Malaysia Ministry of Education 2022 in-school sessions LHS little human scholars school in pj petaling jaya

Malaysian Ministry of Education Ensures In-School Sessions for 2022

Petaling Jaya – Teachers and staff of LHS (Little Human Scholars School in PJ) are cautiously optimistic about in-school…

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LHS enrol in school in 2022 anytime pj petaling jaya malaysia COVID coronavirus LHS little human scholars PJ

Enrol into LHS Anytime of the Year

Did you know you can enrol your child into LHS anytime of the year? The 2021 school year has come to a close and it has not…

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Covid lhs malaysia safety updated requirements sanitisation school preschool kindergarten playschool pj petaling jaya LHS little human scholars

LHS COVID-19 Updated Safety Requirements

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a risk to personal safety, and it has been anything but fun.  It not only has wrecked the…

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school trends post covid preschool playschool kindie daycare PJ petaling jaya near me what to expect LHS little human scholars

Tips to Get Your Child Back on Track at School

Returning to school post quarantine has taken on new meaning and a new set of worries for parents and other caregivers.…

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education trends malaysia pj petaling jaya lhs little human scholars daycare kindie preschool playschool

Education in a Post-COVID World

Education in a Post-COVID world will never be the same.  We cannot return to the world from before.  It is…

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covid-19 coronavirus admissions graduate get into college malaysia petaling jaya pj Little human scholars LHS Malaysia kindie playschool preschool daycare

How COVID Pandemic May Affect Future College Students

As parents, we want the best for our kiddos and with the COVID pandemic, many of us are worried about what the future may…

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puberty are kids maturing faster physically younger malaysia kuala lumpur little human scholars LHS school in PJ petaling Jaya

Early Puberty: Are Kids Maturing Faster Physically?

As it turns out, kids are going through puberty at younger ages while maturing faster than ever before.  According to an…

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challenges students will face after quarantine COVID-19 COVID LHS malaysia PJ preschool in PJ Kindie love and support teachers

Upcoming Challenges Students Will Face After the Quarantine

Upcoming challenges students will face:  Families across Malaysia are adapting to constant changes caused by the COVID-19…

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stressed out students stress levels kindie preschool pj petaling jaya preschool in pj lhs little human scholars is my kid stressed out how to tell what to do

Rising Stress Levels in Students, & What You Can Do About It

Rising stress levels in students have been yet another side effect of COVID-19.  Threats to their own and their family’s…

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