Upcoming challenges students will face:  Families across Malaysia are adapting to constant changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and students are no exception.  We have been doing our best to adjust to the “new normal,” and children and students have suffered.  This includes rising stress levels in children, a reduction in the quality of education students are receiving, and children not able to learn through play with other children.

It’s important to note that children look to adults for how to either react or respond to stressful events.  If you’ve been stressing out, overreacting, or have been engaging in bouts of anger, keep in mind that your children see this and they will most likely mimic your behaviour.

All things considered, what can we do to help our children and students mitigate the challenges they are facing?  What action can we take to help stabilise their emotional and mental states as schools reopen?


Solutions to Upcoming Challenges Students Will Be Facing Due to COVID-19  

Stress is a very real thing and can negatively impact students.  In an article from the center for anxiety disorders, Studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have shown that when a child is subjected to frequent or continual stress … their brain architecture is actually altered and their organ systems become weakened. As a result, these kids risk lifelong health and social problems.

As a parent, here are some of the things you can do to calm your children and keep unnecessary stress at bay.


  1. Be a Role Model.

I know this can be hard – parents have also been stressed out during these uncertain times – but keep in mind that children mimic their parents.  Stay calm in front of your child, and, if you need a moment for yourself where you can unwind, take it away from your child.


  1. Focus on the Positive.

Sit down with your child and celebrate things like spending more time with family, or going on a lovely walk.  Celebrate being able to cook more and try new dishes at home.  Partake in a fun art activity as a family.  Journaling all the things you are grateful for is fine on your own, but why not make it a family practice right before bed?


  1. Offer Loads of Love and Affection.

Being generous with your love and affection during these times can also help your children cope while not feeling so alone.  Be aware that children often want love and affection shown to them in different ways.  Finding out your child’s love language can help you better support them through these times.


  1. Limit Television, Social Media and Gaming.

Screen time is an issue that scientists have been researching over the past few decades.  And while it may seem easier to put a tablet in front of your child or let them be in their room gaming the whole day, this isn’t necessarily healthy for them.  Whether they are watching inappropriate things on the internet, or following the news about COVID-19 updates, keep in mind that both of these can increase your child’s cortisol levels.


  1. Keep COVID-19 Explanations Age-Appropriate

  • Early elementary school children.

Provide brief, simple information that balances COVID-19 facts with appropriate reassurances that adults are there to help keep them healthy and to take care of them if they do get sick. Give simple examples of the steps people make every day to stop germs and stay healthy, such as washing hands. Use language such as “adults are working hard to keep you safe.”

  • Upper elementary and early middle school children.

This age group often is more vocal in asking questions about whether they indeed are safe and what will happen if COVID-19 spreads in their area. They may need assistance separating reality from rumor and fantasy. Discuss the efforts national, state, and community leaders are doing to prevent germs from spreading.

  • Upper middle and high school students.

Issues can be discussed in more depth. Refer them to appropriate sources of COVID-19 facts. Provide honest, accurate, and information about the current status of COVID-19. Engage them in decision-making about family plans, scheduling, and helping with chores at home.

  • For all children, encourage them to verbalize their thoughts and feelings. Be a good listener!


  1. Stay Connected to School

Locate learning resources, stay in touch with your children’s teachers and administrative staff, and see how you can support your child in getting the most out of their school by working with their educational specialists.  How is school communicating with the families of their students?  What can you do at home to improve your child’s education?  How can your child make the most out of the learning lessons provided by the school?  Answering these questions can help your child not only get ahead educationally, but can also help them see that you are there to support them.


About Little Human Scholars Preschool in PJ

Little Human Scholars is an all-in-one childcare solution.  It is a preschool, playschool, kindergarten, nursery and full-day daycare centre (with extended hours) located in the heart of PJ.

In fact, the location is one of the things which makes Little Human Scholars so sought after – it is conveniently nestled near Jalan Gasing, University hospital, PJ Old town, PJ New town, Jaya One, Jaya33, and the PJ IT Mall.

The best part is LHS school in PJ has premiere services many other schools in PJ don’t offer such as full-day daycare with extended hours, CCTV access for parents, and a nifty little phone app that provides parents with automatic updates on their child’s development, behaviour and health checks.

With full-time guards always present at each of their locations, access to CCTV (which is in every room except the office, bathroom and kitchen areas), and very strict pick-up and drop-off rules, Little Human Scholars treats every child who walks into its hallways as one of their own children!

This place has it all:  location, safety, health, IGSCE curriculum and play-based learning.  What more could you ask for?  Did I mention they also have transportation services and offer meal plans for students?  It doesn’t get any better than that.

If you are interested in a tour of one of our centres (that’s right, there’s more than one), all you need to do is fill out the form here or call +6017-7303-025 and an LHS administrative staff will get back with you shortly!

