Daycare Centres in Pj

As much as we love our children and want the best for them in terms of childcare, price is a major factor when it comes to picking out a daycare centre in PJ.  And unfortunately, one very difficult thing to do is get a school or daycare centre’s price and fees over the phone.  Most of the time, they want you to come in see the centre, and then they give you the fee structure.

Unfortunately for most parents, time is also another issue – we have our jobs and careers to focus on, and most schools and daycare centres in PJ aren’t open on the weekends – the only time we may have to go in, take a look around, and see what it is the centre has to offer.

This is where Little Human Scholars Daycare Centre in PJ is different – if your time is such that you can only come after hours or on the weekend, all you need to do is give them a call and they can and will set up an appointment which works around your schedule.  But before we get into one of the premiere daycare centres in PJ, let’s take a look at the breakdown of most daycare centres in PJ.

Daycare Centres in PJ

Most daycare centres in PJ are open from 8am to 6pm, but not all.  Some places only offer half-day daycare, and are open from 8am to 3pm.  But what if you, as a parent, have to BE at work by 8am?  This can be an issue, especially if you can only drop your child off at 8am then brave the morning jam.

And what about at the end of the day?  Some of us can’t get out of the office until 5:30pm or 6:00pm, again, braving the jam rushing to pick your child up from their daycare centre to avoid additional fees.  Not only is this kind of lifestyle stressful, but it isn’t sustainable in the long run.  This is where Little Human Scholars daycare centre is different.  They offer extended hours, both in the morning AND in the evening.

Little Human Scholars Daycare Centre in PJ opens at 7:30am and closes at 6:45pm, giving parents more time to get to where they need to be without trying to rush through traffic.  If that isn’t enough, one additional service they offer is something called “hourly drop off.”

Hourly drop off is a service whereby a parent gives the Little Human Scholars daycare centre in PJ a couple days notice, and pay a flat hourly fee to have a teacher or facilitator watch after their child.  This service comes in especially handy on those long weekends if both parents have events and need to trust a babysitter in PJ or daycare facilitator to tend to their child while they work.

The best part is the CCTV access given to parents the moment their child is registered at the centre.  There is no reason any parent should ever worry about their child’s caretaker – and having CCTV access you can enjoy straight from your phone grants parents the peace of mind they need to focus on their tasks at hand.

In summary, while we have covered three critical points to cover when vetting daycare centres in PJ,

  1. Location (Little Human Scholars full day daycare centre is located near University Hospital, PJ Old Town, PJ New Town, Jaya one, Jaya33, IT Mall and near Jalan Gasing)
  2. Extended hours and services (they even offer transportation services for an additional fee),
  3. Peace of mind (you can check in on your child at any time while they are in the centre via a free phone app for parents called Toddlytic),

in the end it is up to you, as the parent, to decide on who takes care of your child while you are working, and where is the most convenient location for you and your family.  Wishing you happy parenting experiences!


Jana Moreno