What sort of behaviour do you display to your child?  The answer to this question may say a lot about who your child becomes!  Children are incredibly impressionable, and as parents, we can forget how impressionable our children can be!  In the world of psychology, it has numerous names, but for the purposes of this article, we are going to call it programming.


Even as babies, children mimick their parents. By the time they are toddlers, we can easily see how we are through them.  For example, one such toddler use to talk on her play phone when her mommy was on the phone, and wander aimlessly in and out of rooms within the household.  Her mother never realised how much she wandered around when she was on the phone until she saw this behaviour!


While this is a funny example, there are other examples which aren’t supportive to the growth and development of children.  In fact, if we aren’t careful as parents, it can be detrimental to their progress!  In short, your behaviour as parents directly impacts the life of your child!  It is time to start paying attention.


How are You Programming Your Child & Their Behaviour?

  1. If a child goes through trauma, the wounds may be there for years and decades to come. Whether it’s abuse, neglect, sexual in nature or emotional, if a child is exposed to the abuse over and over again, it becomes “normal” for them.  This isn’t only unhealthy for them, but it can open up a world of abuse to their friends, peers, and eventually their own family.


  1. Oftentimes, childhood trauma isn’t as severe as the above-mentioned. Sometimes it is as subtle as being too overprotective.  I knew a child whose mother hovered over him tirelessly.  She wanted to make sure he would never get hurt.  What ended up happening, however, backfired in the mother’s face.  By the time he was four and supposed to go to school, he found it very difficult to function without his mother.  He had a hard time adjusting to the new environment and the newfound independence school had to offer!  It took him some time, but eventually he was less clingy with his mother, and eventually started opening up to new experiences.  Be aware if you are being overprotective of your child! You may be shooting yourself in the foot!


  1. Your child or children will be like parrots – they will mimick all the words you use! Be aware of what it is you say around your children.  Saying things like, “Shut up!” or racial slurs may be repeated in the school which can cause problems for your child.


  1. How you treat your spouse is how your child will treat others. Do you act in a loving way towards your family and spouse, or are you agitated and frustrated most of the time?  Whatever your mean emotion is becomes the norm for the emotional space your child grows up in.  Make sure you do your best to create a happy environment for your child to thrive in!


  1. Do you hit or spank your child? While each family chooses to discipline their child in different ways, keep in mind, whatever you do to your child you are subconsciously giving them permission to do to others.  If they go to a school where there is a strong “no hit” policy, and they are used to being hit or spanked at home, this may cause clashes in the future.


In essence, the thing to ask yourself as a parent is whether or not you’ve provided a loving and kind environment for your child to grow up in, or a violent, agitating environment.  Do you encourage your child when they try their hardest, or do you scold them for not making straight A’s on their tests?  Ask yourself this question, and then ask how you would like your child to be as they get older.


About Little Human Scholars Kindergarten in PJ

Little Human Scholars is an all-in-one childcare solution.  It is a preschool, playschool, kindergarten, nursery and full day daycare centre (with extended hours) located in the heart of PJ.


In fact, the location is one of the things which makes Little Human Scholars so sought after – it is conveniently nestled near Jalan Gasing, University hospital, PJ Old town, PJ New town, Jaya One, Jaya33, and the PJ IT Mall.


The best part is LHS has premiere services many other schools in PJ don’t offer such as full day daycare with extended hours, CCTV access for parents, and a nifty little phone app called Toddlytic which provides parents with automatic updates on their child’s development, behaviour and health checks.


With full-time guards always present at each of their locations, access to CCTV (which is in every room except the office, bathroom and kitchen areas), and very strict pick-up and drop-off rules, Little Human Scholars treats every child who walks into its hallways as one of their own children!


This place has it all:  location, safety, health, IGSCE curriculum and play-based learning.  What more could you ask for?  Did I mention they also have transportation services and offer meal plans for students?  It doesn’t get any better than that.


If you are interested in a tour of one of our centres (that’s right, there’s more than one), all you need to do is fill out the form here or call +6017-7303-025 and an LHS administrative staff will get back with you shortly!




Jana Moreno