One day it happens:  all is peaceful on the home front and then, for no apparent reason, your child begins drooling excessively, crying for apparently no reason, and waking up in the middle of the night. It is the dreaded time of the teething babies.  And though perhaps one or two teeth have started to show, this isn’t the end of this cycle, the teething period, which can last up to two to three years.

As a parent, it may seem like a joke.  After all, a child may have JUST learned to sleep through the whole night, and now suddenly they are up and down throughout the bedtime because of the dull, but ever incessant, throb in their little jaws.

So what are some other common symptoms of teething babies?  What else should we, as parents, look out for?

Common Symptoms of Teething Babies

1)     Excess drool

That’s right!  Your child will have drool to spare and it will be all over the place: on your clothes, on his clothes, on the toys, on your laptop even!  Usually drooling is a sign of teeth coming in.

2)     Irritability

Your child may or may not be more irritable.  Gone are the days where the toothless grins and belly laughs reign supreme.  While your child of course will still laugh and have fun, keep in mind that there may be periods where that dull throbbing pain is too much for them.  One of the things you can do as a parent is find something to distract them such as using a new activity or getting a new toy.

3)     Restlessness/waking up frequently throughout the night

Again, that dull throb becomes more apparent at night when there is nothing to distract your child from the pain.  So if they cry a little longer before dozing off, or wake up frequently, this is why.

4)     Rash on face and neck (from excessive drool)

That extra drool they are producing may have an effect on sensitive skin.  Making sure their face and neck stays dry can support in minimising any skin irritations.  Or, you can also choose to see  your paediatrician in order to get some cream or other topical agents to help keep your baby happy.

5)     Gagging/vomiting

While I haven’t seen this in all children, it is still a potential problem.  There can be so much drool that it initiates their gag reflex.  The excess drool can also lead to watery stools.

6)     Change in Appetite

A change in appetite is normal when your tummy is upset, you are gagging and drooling non-stop.  Do your best not to panic if your little one isn’t as excited at mealtimes as they used to be.  If it really bothers you, make an appointment with your paediatrician.

7)     Tendency to put various items in their mouths

As their little teeth begin pushing through their gums, they naturally aid it by chewing or sucking on a multitude of items; really whatever is within their reach!  So be sure to keep anything potentially harmful up high or stored away where they can’t grab it!

Now that we have been through some of the symptoms of teething babies, what are some of the REMEDIES for teething babies?

Remedies for Teething Babies

·       Cold washcloth;

·       Cold teething rings (check often to make sure baby hasn’t bitten through it);

·       Start massaging gums after meals as soon as baby is born;

·       Patience and love.

I especially think the last bullet-point is important for parents.  If there has ever been a time in your life where you didn’t feel good or experienced a dull throb for months on end, then you have a pretty good idea of what your child is going through.  Of course, all children are different and experience varying results.  Some children breeze through their teething period effortlessly while others experience more pain and irritability.

One way you can set you and your baby up for success is by following the second bullet point above:  start massaging your child’s gums after meals as soon as the baby is born.  It will be easier to get them into the habit of brushing their teeth later while getting them used to sensations on their gums.

Wishing you fun and fulfilling parental experiences!

Jana Moreno